Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Filling Law Suits For Sexually Transmitted Diseases

When a person knowingly infects the other with a sexually transmitted disease a case against them can be made. There are legal resources as well as criminal courts which deal with these types of cases. If you are the one who has been infected with the STD then you can get a personal injury lawyer to investigate the details of your case, advise you on your rights as the victim and generally make informed decisions on the direction to take with the whole case. If you are the person who is being threatened with legal action because you infected a person with an STD then you need to get in touch with a criminal defense lawyer so that you can be able to know your defense options.

Different countries have different ways of dealing with these type of cases so you need to get familiar with the laws of your country before going ahead and filing the law suit. The rights to file these cases apply to both consensual and non-consensual victims. Most of these cases are tried as criminal charges. For your case to be successful you need to provide proof that the defendant knowingly transmitted the disease to you without your knowledge and that it caused damages to you. This happens in cases where a person has the disease but does not inform the partner. The limitations of the statute should not have expired so that the case can go through. Statue of limitations vary widely according to the type of the disease which was transmitted.

The victim can get monetary rewards if the filed lawsuit becomes successful. This can be awarded in terms of medial costs to treat the STD, trauma, pain, suffering and emotional and mental distress. Apart form monetary rewards punitive damages can also be rewarded where the defendant can be served with jail term.

For more information, visit our website - a leading firm of Personal Injury Solicitors in Liverpool, who provides a wide range of Personal Injury services.

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Explanation of Contested and Uncontested for the Average Person

Every divorce case must be filed with a court and is given a case number, docket number or identification number. Many types of issues are contained in the document such as assets of the couple, children, support payments, alimony payments and more. Things even appear such as pets, possessions and more! The cases that a court receives are setup for trial which often clogs up the system. Many times the trial is never reached and settled instead which saves all parties thousands of dollars according to some lawyers that we spoke to.

The definition of a contested divorce is where there are unresolved matters between the two parties involved. This could be anything and what is being said is basically "I do not agree with these terms." So in this case the divorce is not finalized and must go to trial.

An uncontested divorce is one where both sides are in total agreement on the divorce and all matters related to the divorce. This sometimes happens but is quite rare as there is so much emotion along with money involved. Sometimes couples separate amicably and do not want to cause pain to the children they have so they opt for the quickest easiest solution which is the uncontested divorce.

Since the idea of divorce is such a major life affecting issue, it is important to thoroughly think about all the angles, and lives involved especially if you have children. These times cannot be erased and anything done or said will remain with you forever. Besides the massive cost of divorce, the emotional toll is far reaching and great. Talk to a counselor, friend or family member to ensure this is the best possible decision. With almost 50% of couples divorcing, it is very hard to be on the winning side. You must prepare yourself and lean on friends, family and colleagues to get through this emotional time in life.

Read more of these articles by our team to help find answers to your questions. Although none of this should be taken as legal advice, this website will help through this tough time.

Our team helps those deciding on divorcing a spouse or already proceeding with divorce with free help and support. Read all our free information along with approved and researched attorneys by visiting our website at today.

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