Friday, May 28, 2010

10 Extraordinary Divorce Settlements

There have been a number of high divorce settlements over the last couple of decades. Here are the details of 10 headline grabbing examples.


One of the most high profile divorces in recent times was that of Paul McCartney and Heather Mills. Mills had demanded £125 million, but in the end was awarded a little less than a fifth of that at £24.3 million after their four year marriage. After the case was finished, the singers' former wife launched a lengthy rant outside the courtroom about the British judicial system.


In August 2007 another singer, Phil Collins has also been ordered to pay £24.3 million, to his ex-wife Orianne Cevey after 6 years of marriage. This isn't the first time the former Genesis singer and drummer has had to pay out a large divorce settlement. He has been married and divorced three times, and has had to pay a total of £40 million, almost a third of his total career earnings.


Stephen Spielberg and his wife Amy Irving had a pre-nuptial agreement before their marriage in 1985. The marriage lasted only four years, but despite the agreement the film director was ordered to pay out a hefty sum. Spielberg, who has directed such film as Jaws and E.T., had to pay a little over £50 million.


Michael and Diandra Douglas married in 1977, but twenty years later Diandra filed for divorce saying that she was fed up with his cheating ways. The divorce that followed took three years to complete, but in 2000 she received around £30 million from her ex-husband. He married Welsh actress Katherine Zeta Jones soon after.


Recently the divorce of Madonna and film director husband Guy Richie has made the headlines. The divorce ended with a payout by the singer of approximately £45 million.


Neil Diamond did hold the record for the highest celebrity divorce settlement when he paid his ex-wife, Marcia Murphy, £75.5 million. This was beaten though by Michael Jordan, who paid his former wife, Juanita, £80 million. The former basketball legend's payout included their seven acre estate and custody of the couples' three children.


Rupert Murdoch is one of the world richest people, who has made his fortune in the media industry, most notable as the owner of several newspaper groups. When he and his wife, Anna, first separated all seemed to be amicable. However, the Australian then made the mistake of forcing his wife off the board of the News Corp. This angered Anna Murdoch and things got messy, eventually leading to a payout of over £1 billion. 17 days after the divorce was finalised he married again, this time to one of his employees.


London stockbroker, John Chapman, divorced his wife in 2006 in a £48 million settlement. The insurance magnate, who owns global insurance company Axis, claimed that he should keep most of the money because he earned it, but the judge disagreed saying that Chapman's attitude was old fashioned and anachronistic.


One of the largest divorce settlements in history was that of Michael and Maya Polsky. The couple got married in 1975 in the Ukraine before emigrating to the United States a year later. In 1980 Michael Polsky started working in energy, the industry that made him a vast fortune. After 27 years of marriage, they divorced in 2003, and Maya Polsky received £120 million. The sum was originally around $3 million less but as if that wasn't enough, the Judge increased it after learning of omitted assets. According to her lawyer, Maya was "very much satisfied with the courts decision". Not surprising really.


The amount Maya Polsky received seems a small amount when compared to the divorce settlement between Adnan and Soraya Khashoggi. Adnan Khashoggi is a Saudi international arms dealer, who also owned hotels, banks and real estate, and at one time was worth around £2.5 million. After his divorce he was ordered to pay around £500 million.

Andrew Marshall ©

Divorce Lawyer London.

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Monday, May 24, 2010

The Coming Collapse of the Middle Class

Distinguished law scholar Elizabeth Warren teaches contract law, bankruptcy, and commercial law at Harvard Law School. She is an outspoken critic of America's credit economy, which she has linked to the continuing rise in bankruptcy among the middle-class. Series: "UC Berkeley Graduate Council Lectures" [6/2007] [Public Affairs] [Business] [Show ID: 12620]

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Top Reasons Couples Divorce - Should You Stay Or Should You Go?

Some of the top reasons that couples divorce or stay together and try to salvage a marriage are because of the children, infidelity or abuse. Divorce should always be the last option as marriage is a sacred bond between two people. However, there are reasons to try and save a marriage and there are reasons to leave one. Here we will be discussing some of those.

Many times in a marriage we often hear people say "We are staying together because of the kids." In fact I knew many a couple that stayed together until their children were in College or almost out of College to get a divorce. They did so because they were afraid of the way their children may react to divorce. We all know some of the horror stories of children who have been scarred because of a divorce in the family. This is decision that must be made between both partners. That if divorce is in the cards, the relationship each parent has with each child should remain strong.

Having an affair in a relationship is also one of the top reasons couples divorce. When a partner has a wandering eye and looks for comfort outside of the relationship, there is definitely a problem. Many times people will just go ahead and get divorced, but when you are deciding if you should stay or go, it may be a good idea to look into why the cheating occurred and if it can be helped with counseling. Even more importantly, you need to decide if the partner that was cheated on can forgive the other.

Finally, abuse in a relationship is yet one of the top reasons couples divorce. Is your partner hitting you? Is your partner putting you down and name calling you in public to humiliate you? What sort of abuse is going on? Is the abuser willing to get help? These are all important questions when deciding the fate of your marriage and questions that should not be taken lightly.

There are many reasons why you should stay or why you should go when deciding on your marriage. Children, affairs and abuse are all reasons that a couple may divorce, but the decision ultimately lies with you. Know that there are people who can help you make this decision. It is a hard one and possibly the hardest one you will ever make in your life. Please be sure to make it a wise one.

Are you on the fence of whether or not you should leave your relationship [] Make sure Divorce is the right decision. []

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