Saturday, January 30, 2010

SVU - Daughtry's No Surprise

His new single! Law & Order SVU Video. Season 10 Mostly: Swing, Wildlife, Selfish. Song: No Surprise. Made with: Sony Vegas 8. I don't make money off of this and I own none of it. About: I heard this song when it first previewed on American Idol and of course I loved it. I intended to make a different sort of video with this song but then I realize what the song was actually SAYING and so I had to change it. It ended up being more about EK but I tried to make it as EO as possible. Basically, Elliot realizes that he can't stand being at home anymore and finally sees that he really wants Olivia :D haha & Although he had good times with Kathy and all... He's having those same moments with Liv now! So it's all good lol. A girl can have dreams.

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Free Divorce Lawyers

Divorce can sometimes be the best last option in a bad marriage. However, getting a divorce is not an easy task. The procedure usually involves a lot of legal complexities relating to the custody of children, property, alimony, child support and other such issues. Letting a divorce lawyer deal with all such messy issues would be the best choice for either party.

Divorce lawyers are usually those lawyers that deal with the family law. They are specialized in all areas of family matters and can provide sound legal counsel when approached for the same. It is usual as well as safer for both the parties to use different divorce lawyers to deal with the proceedings and individual matters of both the parties separately. The divorce lawyers will provide excellent advice relating to the divorce proceedings and also other matters that might crop up later on after the divorce.

Checking through the yellow pages would also produce quite a list of all the lawyers practicing family law. However, getting a lawyer for free is another matter. Even the ones on the Internet tend to charge a nominal fee for the advice provided. Even with the Pro Se or the do it yourself divorces that usually do not require a lawyer, some charges would be applicable if a lawyer gets involved in the proceedings.

One sure way of getting free lawyers advice is through the talk shows on TV and radios. However, it’s only for those who are able to get connected to the speaker or the guest in the talk show. Also, very less time would be allotted for asking the questions and getting them clarified to ones satisfaction.

Although it might be a difficult task to find free lawyers practicing family law, the other option is to file the papers without the assistance of a lawyer. This way both the parties can represent themselves in the court all by themselves without an attorney assisting them. This would ensure no money goes to the lawyer and is practically a free divorce except for the forms that are available online on the Internet at nominal prices presently. It is, however, suggested to get the initial paperwork reviewed by an experienced lawyer would be a good choice before filing the papers. This would ensure that all the requisite documents are being provided and getting a separation is only a matter of time even with individual representation in the court without the assistance of a lawyer. The list of documents to be submitted is available on the Internet on websites that help with Pro Se divorces and are relatively easy to locate.

Divorce Lawyers [] provides detailed information on Divorce Lawyers, Cheap Divorce Lawyers, Divorce Without A Lawyer, Free Divorce Lawyers and more. Divorce Lawyers is affiliated with Family Law Courts.

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Friday, January 22, 2010

Virginia Divorce Laws

The Virginia divorce attorneys of SRIS Law Group, PC are here to help you with your Virginia family law matters. Our Virginia domestic relations attorneys understand that due to the stress of such matters, you need a Virginia family lawyer who is going to be available to respond to you quickly. We reply to all calls within eight (8) hours. Ask your question - Free initial inquiry with no obligation.

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Divorce Lawyer - How to Choose One

Unfortunately the chances of a married couple splitting up gets higher each year so hiring a divorce lawyer is the next crucial step; some guidelines on what to look for are listed below:

  • Fully qualified to deal with your case
  • Have the correct bearing for this type of work
  • A conscientious person

The best attorney to employ is one who, for at least half their time, is dealing with divorce cases and is fully skilled in mediation techniques. They will need to be someone in whom you can place your trust and feel comfortable working with so if these criteria cannot be met then you will need to look elsewhere.

Mediation minded attorneys are more likely to give you problem solving advice, whereas traditional attorneys tend to be more oriented to conflict and their advice tends to be adversarial. The most important thing is to be very well prepared whenever you contact your divorce lawyer so know your facts, what you want to ask about and exactly what you want the lawyer to explain or do for you.

Plan each conversation by making an agenda and write down the things you want to talk about; take notes on the content of the conversation and the amount of time spent on phone calls. Try to keep actual meetings to a minimum and where points have to be clarified, use the phone or send a letter.

Remember you divorce attorney is there for their expertise in the field and not to act as a counselor, you should hopefully be able to use people close to you for that. Never trouble your divorce lawyer with trivial matters that do not directly concern the divorce.

The most important aspect for you to get sorted out is the control of the situation which should be yours and then you will be able to use your lawyer more effectively. If they are there purely to act in accordance with the legal issue of divorce it will be more efficient utilization of their services and you will be making the decisions. Ask that you be sent copies of all documents and letters and let them know that you expect phone calls to be answered by the next working day after all you are the one paying the bills.

If money is an issue, it may be a preferable for you to only contact a lawyer for legal advice on a marital settlement but not representation. You may decide to carry out research first before you contact them, only asking your lawyer questions you have not been able to find answers too. Some people only use a divorce lawyer to re-read and check a marital settlement they have drafted on their own but at least these people have the backup of using a lawyer if all else fails.

Harry S. Bernstein has been representing individuals as a an experienced Cleveland Divorce lawyer for several years. Please visit our website, Cleveland Divorce lawyer at for more information on this topic.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Divorce Law Basics From an Expert Divorce Attorney

Getting a divorce isn't always as simple as many people imagine. For some, a divorce is their first exposure with the court system. For others, negotiating the division of assets, child custody, spousal support and other factors can be handled outside the court system. That said, it's important to note that divorce laws can vary by state.

For example, if you live in Illinois, legal representation by an experienced Chicago divorce attorney can prove invaluable for navigating the choppy waters of divorce law. Below, we'll provide an overview regarding the grounds for divorce, the division of shared assets as well as child custody and spousal support.

Understanding Grounds For Divorce

When filing a petition for the Dissolution Of Marriage, a divorce may be deemed a "fault" or "no fault" divorce. Each state has slightly different laws regarding the classification. If a husband and wife have lived apart for 2 years or longer and irreconcilable differences have destroyed the matrimony, the divorce can be classified as "no fault." On the other hand, a marriage that has broken down due to impotence, adultery, 2 years of alcohol or drug abuse and other reasons may be deemed grounds for a fault divorce.

Division Of Property

During a divorce, the property that is jointly owned by the husband and wife is divided. However, there are many circumstances that dictate whether an asset that is acquired post-marriage is eligible for division. For example, Illinois divorce law makes a distinction between "marital" and "non-marital" assets based upon a number of conditions. These can include inheritances, exclusions based upon agreement and income generated by assets judged as "non-marital." A divorce lawyer in Chicago can provide guidance in complying with these property division rules.

Factors Considered In Child Custody

Negotiating child custody is often difficult in divorce cases. Typically, both spouses want a higher level of custody than the other spouse is willing to allow. When child custody cases are presented in court, the judge considers a number of factors before making a decision. While the child's wishes are often taken into account, the physical, mental and emotional development of the child can supercede them. This development can involve the willingness and ability of each spouse to maintain a continuing healthy relationship with the child if custody is awarded.

Factors Considered For Spousal Support

Many states view spousal support differently for divorce cases. In Illinois, alimony is determined by a number of factors including the monetary needs and earning ability of each spouse. The court will consider whether a spouse's devotion to domestic activities has had a damaging effect on that spouse's ability to earn money in the future. Having the help of an experienced Chicago divorce attorney can be valuable in presenting an argument in spousal support cases.

Hiring A Chicago Divorce Attorney

Getting a divorce can be a complicated process. While many divorces start amiably and objectively, they can quickly become emotionally exhausting. This is especially true when custody rights for children are being determined. Depending upon the state in which you reside, you should contact a qualified lawyer for representation. If you live in Illinois, hiring a Chicago divorce attorney can be instrumental in preserving your custodial rights, share of jointly-held assets and your interests regarding payment of spousal support.

Many people who seek a divorce are lulled into a false sense of comfort, confident that their soon-to-be ex-spouse will remain objective and open to an equitable distribution of assets and custodial rights. Unfortunately, emotions can often taint the process. The job of a divorce lawyer in Chicago is to negotiate on behalf of the client on the road to reaching a fair divorce settlement.

About the Author: Christine O'Kelly is an author for, a divorce lawyer in Chicago who specializes in family law. Areas of expertise include divorces, separations, adoptions, paternity, child custody and spousal support.

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